. Informed . Opinions .

July 13, 2011


The recent BigFoot footage (no pun intended) has created a bit of controversy. Some people, as usual, have cried ‘hoax’, while some people, with open minds, tried to get to the root of it and find out the TRUTH. Here are the reasons top scientists (the bespectacled, and often bearded, people who discuss ‘very complicated’ mystries on Discovery/History channel) believe that this might be the first credible video evidence of BigFoot:

ONE. If you notice carefully the way the creature walks, you will see that the Flexor Tetramycepa muscles are used to control the rythm of the motion. This is never true for human being, but almost always true for the great apes like gorrila and chimpanzees. That means the creature is a closer relative to the great apes than to humans.

TWO. Now, carefully notice the way the creature stops and again starts to move. Notice that the relative angle between the bones Femurus Podus and Hipoclust Major is never greater than 15 degrees. This is true only for human beings. For the apes, this angle is always over 30 degrees. From these two points it seems that the creature has some features of apes and some of human beings. So it must be something in between, and hence it is proved that it is a BigFoot.

THREE. Even without going into such scientific details, we can prove that the video is not fake simply by applying logic. We all know that, “God exists because the Bible says so, and the Bible is the truth because God has spoken through it.” If we apply this sound logic in the case of BigFoot, we come to the irrefutable logical conclusion that, “BigFoot exists because the video showed it, and the video is not fake because you can see a BigFoot in it.” End of debate.

FOUR. If the three reasons mentioned above are not convincing enough for someone, this one will be. Did you pay attention to what the video-guy said at the beginning? Yes, he says something about making history. Had the BigFoot or the video been fake, would the guy mention the very word, ‘history’? para-psychologists say, ‘no’.

FIVE. The simplest and yet the most convincing reason came from none other than the brilliant mathematician Parah Salin. She said that, “The creature undoubtedly looked like a BigFoot.” When something looks like a God do you mistake it as a pork chop, or when someone looks like a Martian do you mistake him as a rapper? No. Similarly, when something “looks like a BigFoot”, it has to be a BigFoot.


Source: Long Island Iced Tea

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